The critically acclaimed miniseries hailed as “a thoroughly gripping slow-burner” (The Observer, UK) premieres on Acorn TV starting April 13. On the mean streets of Manchester, a down-on-his-luck cabbie moonlights as a driver for a crime gang—and embarks on a collision course with murder.
In this pulse-pounding miniseries, Vince McKee (David Morrissey, The Walking Dead) is pushed to the breaking point from endless days of driving rude passengers in a dingy cab for laughable pay. His fortunes change when crime boss the Horse (Colm Meaney, Star Trek: The Next Generation) taps him for high-paying driving jobs for his gang—but the thick wads of cash Vince earns may only hasten the demise of his marriage to Rosalind (Claudie Blakley, Pride & Prejudice) and worsen his relationship with his daughter (Sacha Parkinson, Mr. Selfridge). Too late, Vince realizes that his next drive may be his last.
Shot on location in Manchester, The Driver is a white-knuckle ride fueled by Morrissey’s gripping performance and a taut script from a writer of Shameless.